"Hotel in San Benedetto del Tronto - Hotel 2 stelle"

Your summer holidays in the Riviera delle Palme | Hotel Ferrara


Hotel Ferrara Hotel Ferrara is a small family run hotel 2 star situated in San Benedetto del Tronto’s south, Porto D’Ascoli. This quiet place is 100 meters away from the beach near the bicycle path. From us, you can rent bicycles and go to visit the city, stores, walking near the sea, go to the beach for have a drink and eat delicious italian food.

Rooms and Services

Camere e Servizi Hotel Ferrara Single, double or triple rooms with many services as Air conditioning, TV, fridge and balcony. Comfortable and recently renewed rooms for a stay without much thought. A place of rest and pause before and after the beach, in anticipation of evening entertainment in the Riviera delle Palme.

San Benedetto del Tronto

San Benedetto del Tronto town is located on the “Riviera delle Palme”. This city is inhabited by 48.000 people. It lies in the province of Ascoli Piceno, the second most important city in the Marche region